Classroom Management Plan

Looking for an effective classroom management plan is hard. Student behaviour is getting worse due to a variety of different factors, so it is no surprise that people everywhere are looking for an effective classroom management plan.

So what should be part of your classroom management plan in your attempt to improve student behavior? Well an effective classroom management plan has many elements, but there are three things that every teacher can do tomorrow to ensure better student behavior.

Number 1. Stay Positive - It is so easy when you are stuck in a rut in the middle of January to become downbeat and negative. If you are negative, then your students will be negative and that can only be a bad thing for your classroom management.

What tends to happen in these situations is that you get yourself into a vicious circle, the more negative that you become, the more badly behaved your students become. Take yourself out of the bubble and try and remember why you became a teacher in the first place. If you can walk into your classroom with a smile on your face you will get a much more positive reaction from your students.

Number 2. Praise, praise and more praise - If you want good classroom management from your students then praise them whenever you have the opportunity. You need to train your students exactly how you want them to behave, and the use of praise is an excellent way to do this.

With the worst students in your class actively look for them being well behaved. When you find this (even the worst students behave for brief moments!) make sure that you heap praise on them. This is extremely hard to do when you are fed up, and the child in question has made you life hell for weeks, but if you do this you will notice a big improvement in their future behavior.

Number 3. Use the language of choice - I can't overstate this enough. Instead of telling children to do something, explain to them that you would like to them to chose to do something. This subtle change in language is incredibly powerful and is sure to produce positive results.

An example of this would be explaining to John "I would like you to choose to sit down quietly", as opposed to saying "sit down quietly".

These three steps can be an incredibly effective way to improve your classroom management plan quickly. Make these subtle changes now and reap the rewards in your classroom tomorrow.

Share by: Lee Davies


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